Thứ Hai, 20 tháng 4, 2015
Sustainability by Design
The developed world, increasingly aware of inconvenient truths about global warming and sustainability, is turning its attention to possible remedieseco-efficiency, sustainable development, and corporate social responsibility, among others. But such measures are mere Band-Aids, and they may actually do more harm than good, says John Ehrenfeld, a pioneer in the field of industrial ecology. In this deeply considered book, Ehrenfeld challenges conventional understandings of solving environmental problems and offers a radically new set of strategies to attain sustainability.
Facing Future
Even at four in the morning, the strip clubs and watering holes surrounding the Honolulu studio were still hopping. The recording engineer heard a car pull into the lot, and soon the biggest man he had ever seen walked in. When he stepped into the studio, the floated floor shifted beneath the engineer’s feet. Israel Kamakawiwo’ole engulfed the engineer’s hand in his and said, ‘Hi, bruddah.’
Electromagnetic Properties of Multiphase Dielectrics
Recently, several applications, primarily driven by microtechnology, have emerged where the use of materials with tailored electromagnetic (dielectric) properties are necessary for a successful overall design. The “tailored” aggregate properties are achieved by combining an easily moldable base matrix with particles having dielectric properties that are chosen to deliver (desired) effective properties. In many cases, the analysis of such materials requires the simulation of the macroscopic and microscopic electromagnetic response, as well as its resulting coupled thermal response, which can be important to determine possible failures in “hot spots.” This necessitates a stress analysis. Furthermore, because, oftentimes, such processes initiate degratory chemical processes, it can be necessary to also include models for these processes as well. A central objective of this work is to provide basic models and numerical solution strategies to analyze the coupled response of such materials by direct simulation using standard laptop/desktop equipment. Accordingly, this monograph covers: (1) The foundations of Maxwell’s equations, (2) Basic homogenization theory,(3) Coupled systems (electromagnetic, thermal, mechanical and chemical),(4) Numerical methods and(5) An introduction to select biological problems.The text can be viewed as a research monograph suitable for use in an upper-division undergraduate or first year graduate course geared towards students in the applied sciences, mechanics and mathematics that have an interest in the analysis of particulate materials.
The Meaning of Life
The phrase ‘the meaning of life’ for many seems a quaint notion fit for satirical mauling by Monty Python or Douglas Adams. But in this spirited, stimulating, and quirky enquiry, famed critic Terry Eagleton takes a serious if often amusing look at the question and offers his own surprising answer.
Sciences of Geodesy - II
This series of reference books describes the sciences of different fields in and around geodesy. Each chapter, is written by experts in the respective fields and covers an individual field and describes the history, theory, the objective, the technology, and the development, the highlight of the research, the applications, the problems, as well as future directions. Contents of Volume II include: Geodetic LEO Satellite Missions, Satellite Altimetry, Airborne Lidar, GNSS Software Receiver, Geodetic Boundary Problem, GPS and INS, VLBI, Geodetic Reference Systems, Spectral Analysis, Earth Tide and Ocean Loading Tide, Remote Sensing, Photogrammetry, Occultation, Geopotential Determination, Geoid Determination, Local Gravity Field, Geopotential Determination, Magnet Field, Mobile Mapping, General Relativity, Wide-area Precise Positioning etc.
Lifestyle Media and the Formation of the Self
‘Be the best you can be’ urge self-help books and makeover TV shows, but what kind of self is imagined as needing a makeover and what kind of self is imagined as the happy result? Drawing on recent sociology and psychology, this book explores the function of slummy mummies, headless zombies and living autopsies to creating an idea of self.
Handbook of Coherent-Domain Optical Methods
This Handbook provides comprehensive coverage of laser and coherent-domain methods as applied to biomedicine, environmental monitoring, and materials science. Worldwide leaders in these fields describe the fundamentals of light interaction with random media and present an overview of basic research. The latest results on coherent and polarization properties of light scattered by random media, including tissues and blood, speckles formation in multiple scattering media, and other non-destructive interactions of coherent light with rough surfaces and tissues, allow the reader to understand the principles and applications of coherent diagnostic techniques. The expanded second edition has been thoroughly updated with particular emphasis on novel coherent-domain techniques and their applications in medicine and environmental science. Volume 1 describes state-of-the-art methods of coherent and polarization optical imaging, tomography and spectroscopy; diffusion wave spectroscopy; elastic, quasi-elastic and inelastic light scattering spectroscopy and imaging; digital holographic microscopy, the Fourier transform light scattering method, and coherent diffractive imaging; wavefront sensing, aberration measurement and adaptive optics for ophthalmology; and laser remote sensing. Volume 2 presents the new and growing field of coherent optics in optical coherence tomography (OCT). Various applications of OCT and confocal microscopy, including biomedical endoscopy, are discussed. A special section covers Mueller matrix polarimetry, nonlinear laser fluorescence spectroscopy, and triplet-triplet annihilation assisted upconversion as optical tools for probing the physical parameters of materials and natural organic compounds. Represents the only reference work offering integrated coverage of coherent-domain optical methods for a wide range of applications involving strong light scattering Covers the fundamentals of light interaction with random media Describes specific interactions of coherent and low-coherent light with tissues and blood Presents advanced optical coherence tomography techniques and other non-destructive diagnostic methods Extensively revised and updated from the 2004 edition
Psychology of Terrorism
Easily the most thorough treatment of terrorisM&Apos;s complexities on the market today is how one reviewer described the set from which this single volume is drawn: the 4-volume Psychology of Terrorism. Here, Editor Chris E. Stout presents seven classic chapters from across that multivolume set, which brought together experts from around the world in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Stout includes a new introduction with this condensed version, along with appendices that will enable lay readers and professionals to recognize and treat symptoms of biological attack, take basic steps to prepare for terrorist incidents, and find resources for more information.
Basic Vision
Why do things look blurry underwater? Why do people drive too fast in fog? How do you high-pass filter a cup of tea? What have mixer taps to do with colour vision? Basic Vision: An Introduction to Visual Perception demystifies the processes through which we see the world. Written by three authors with over 80 years of research and undergraduate teaching experience between them, it leads the reader step-by-step through the intricacies of visual processing, with full-colour illustrations on nearly every page. The writing style captures the excitement of recent research in neuroscience that has transformed our understanding of visual processing, but delivers it with a humour that keeps the reader enthused, rather than bemused. The book takes us through the various elements that come together as our perception of the world around us: the perception of size, colour, motion, and three-dimensional space. It illustrates the intricacy of the visual system, discussing its development during infancy, and revealing how the brain can get it wrong, either as a result of brain damage, through which the network of processes become compromised, or through illusion, where the brain compensates for mixed messages by seeing what it thinks should be there, rather than conveying the reality. The book also demonstrates the importance of contemporary techniques and methodology, and neuroscience-based techniques in particular, in driving forward our understanding of the visual system. Online Resource Centre The Online Resource Centre to accompany Basic Vision features: For registered adopters: Figures from the book available to download, to facilitate lecture preparation. Test bank of multiple choice questions – a readily available tool for either formative or summative assessment. A Journal Club, with questions to lead students through key research articles that relate to topics covered in the book. For students: Annotated web links, giving students ready access to these additional learning resources.
Living and Surviving in Harms Way
In Living and Surviving in Harm’s Way, experts investigate the psychological impact of how warriors live and survive in combat duty. They address the combat preparation of servicemen and women, their support systems, and their interpersonal and intrapersonal experiences. The text maintains a focus on cognitive-behavioral interventions for treating various combat-related disorders, and addresses psychological health and adjustment after leaving the battlefield. The text is logically organized for easy reading and reference, and covers often overlooked topics such as preparation and training of service personnel, women in combat, and the indirect effects of combat stress on family. This book is written by clinicians who have in some ways experienced what they write about, and resonates with mental health professionals, servicemen and women, and their families. Any clinician hoping to treat a serviceman or woman effectively cannot afford to overlook this book.
Gender, Lifespan and Quality of Life
This publication addresses the gender dimensions of peoples lived experience and emphasizes how gender relationships differentially impact on womens and girls as well as mens and boys subjective well-being across the lifespan. It therefore fills a significant gap in the literature on quality of life and subjective well-being. The book brings together research which compares females and males subjective experiences of well-being at various life stages from a variety of countries and regions, particularly focusing on womens subjective well-being. Sex-disaggregation of data on objective conditions of quality of life is now routinely undertaken in many countries of the world. However, despite the burgeoning of objective data on sex differences in life conditions across the world, very little gender analysis is carried out to explain fully such difference and there is still a serious dearth of data on gender differences in subjective experiences of quality of life and well-being. This publication will assist researchers, teachers, service providers and policy makers in filling some of the gaps in currently available literature on the nexus between age and gender in producing differential experiences of subjective wellbeing.
The Learning Brain
Despite all our highly publicized efforts to improve our schools, the United States is still falling behind. We recently ranked 15th in the world in reading, math, and science. Clearly, more needs to be done. In The Learning Brain, Torkel Klingberg urges us to use the insights of neuroscience
Artificial Psychology
Is it possible to construct an artificial person? Researchers in the field of artificial intelligence have for decades been developing computer programs that emulate human intelligence. This book goes beyond intelligence and describes how close we are to recreating many of the other capacities that make us human. These abilities include learning, creativity, consciousness, and emotion.
New Directions in Nursing History
This collection of essays reflects the current interdisciplinary and international nature of the history of nursing scholarship.
Self Healing Materials
This book, the first published in this new sub-field of materials science, presents a coherent picture of the design principles and resulting properties of self-healing materials over all material classes, and offsets them to the current design principles for structural materials with improved mechanical properties. The book is not only a valuable asset for professional materials scientists but it is also suitable as a text book for courses at MSc level.
Deaths Dark Shadow
Before she can even begin to track down the killer of the old woman dumped by the lonely canal, Monika Paniatowski needs to find out who she is – and no one seems to know. Even when her daughter Louisa provides the vital clue, it only makes life more difficult, because the Chief Constable – intent on making Paniatowski’s life difficult – refused to let her follow the obvious trail. And it is not until there is a second, even more brutal, murder, that Paniatowski realises she will have to call on the help of her old mentor, ex-DCI Charlie Woodend.
Dignity Therapy
Maintaining dignity for patients approaching death is a core principle of palliative care. Translating that principle into methods of guiding care at the end of life, however, can be a complicated and daunting task. Dignity therapy, a psychological intervention developed by Dr. Harvey Max Chochinov and his internationally lauded research group, has been designed specifically to address many of the psychological, existential, and spiritual challenges that patients and their families face as they grapple with the reality of life drawing to a close. Tested with patients with advanced illnesses in Canada, the United States, Australia, China, Scotland, England, and Denmark, dignity therapy has been shown to not only benefit patients, but their families as well. In the first book to lay out the blueprint for this unique and meaningful intervention, Chochinov addresses one of the most important dimensions of being human. Being alive means being vulnerable and mortal; he argues that dignity therapy offers a way to preserve meaning and hope for patients approaching death. Dignity Therapy: Final Words for Final Days is a beautiful introduction to this pioneering and innovative work. With history and foundations of dignity in care, and step by step guidance for readers interested in implementing the program, this volume illuminates how dignity therapy can change end-of-life experience for those about to die – and for those who will grieve their passing.
Fundamentals in Nuclear Physics
This course explores nuclear physics and its applications ranging from the structure of nuclei and their reactions, to astrophysics and cosmology. The physics is introduced with arguments based on simple ideas such as the empirical structure of nuclear forces and its interplay with the Pauli principle and Coulomb repulsion. The book then develops elementary nuclear models and illustrates nuclear systematics with experimental data. Reactions and decays are discussed both phenomenologically and from the point of view of fundamental electro-weak interaction theory. The discussions of fission and fusion emphasize nuclear energy production. This leads directly into nuclear astrophysics and nucleosynthesis. The book ends with a presentation of the latest ideas about cosmology. As a primer this course will lay the foundations for more specialized subjects within the vast domain of nuclear physics as a whole.
Handbook of Social Work Practice with Vulnerable and Resilient Populations
Why do some people collapse under certain life conditions, while others remain relatively unscathed? What accounts for the marked variations in people’s responses to stress and adversity? The second edition of this groundbreaking how-to guide has been extensively updated to reflect the field’s growing understanding of the importance of resiliency and protective factors — the positive poles of the human experience — and the importance of their role in forming balanced assessments and responsive interventions.
High-Temperature Superconductivity in Cuprates
The main purpose of the book is to present a description of the mechanism of high-temperature superconductivity and to discuss the physics of high-temperature superconductors, both entirely based on experimental facts. The pairing mechanism of this remarkable phenomenon is based on an anomaly found in tunneling (V) characteristics of some cuprates. By using the soliton theory, it is then shown that this anomaly is caused by pairs of quasi-one dimensional excitations – bisolitons – bound due to a moderately strong, nonlinear electron-phonon interaction. At the same time, analysis of experimental data unambiguously shows that magnetic (spin) fluctuations mediate the phase coherence in cuprates. The mechanism of superconductivity in quasi-one dimensional organic superconductors and heavy fermions is discussed too. In cuprates, the origins of five different energy/temperature scales are identified. Finally, three main principles of superconductivity are introduced at the end of the book. Analysis of tunneling and angle-resolved photoemission measurements is presented in the last chapter. The book which contains 300 pages with 180 illustrations is addressed to researchers and graduate students in all branches of exact sciences.
This highly original, thought-provoking book written by a pioneer of communication studies is the first to analyze the post 9/11 world in terms of global media and popular culture.
Handbook of Psychotherapy Case Formulation
This indispensable practitioner guide and text serves as a comprehensive primer on case formulation within all of the major therapeutic approaches. Prominent experts offer step-by-step guidelines for developing strong formulations and putting them to use in day-to-day practice. The chapters follow a standard format to allow comparison across models. Coverage includes the conceptual and empirical underpinnings of each approach, the relationship of case formulation to therapeutic technique, issues in treating clients from different backgrounds and with different types of presenting problems, and training resources. Illustrative case material and user-friendly examples of completed formulations are featured throughout.
Material Designs and New Physical Properties in MX- and MMX-Chain Compounds
This is the first book to comprehensively address the recent developments in both the experimental and theoretical aspects of quasi-one-dimensional halogen-bridged mono- (MX) and binuclear metal (MMX) chain complexes of Pt, Pd and Ni. These complexes have one-dimensional electronic structures, which cause the various physical properties as well as electronic structures. In most MX-chain complexes, the Pt and Pd units are in M(II)-M(IV) mixed valence or charge density wave (CDW) states due to electron-phonon interactions, and Ni compounds are in Ni(III) averaged valence or Mott-Hubbard states due to the on-site Coulomb repulsion. More recently, Pd(III) Mott-Hubbard (MH) states have been realized in the ground state by using the chemical pressure. Pt and Pd chain complexes undergo photo-induced phase transitions from CDW to MH or metal states, and Ni chain complexes undergo photo-induced phase transitions from MH to metal states. Ni chain complexes with strong electron correlations show tremendous third-order optical nonlinearity and nonlinear electrical conductivities. They can be explained theoretically by using the extended Peierls-Hubbard model. For MMX-chain complexes, averaged valence, CDW, charge polarization, and alternating charge polarization states have been realized by using chemical modification and external stimuli, such as temperature, photo-irradiation, pressure, and water vapor. All of the electronic structures and phase transitions can be explained theoretically.
The Transnational Unconscious
Transnational Unconscious examines psychoanalysis as both a national and trans-national phenomenon. It explores the distinctive national and international aspects of the reception and circulation of psychoanalytic thought and practice, psychoanalysis as a cultural paradigm, and both its oppressive and liberatory potential at different historical periods. While focusing on specific national cases, the essays emphasize the transnational aspects of local reception and diffusion of psychoanalysis, in particular the flow of people, ideas, and practice.
Atoms, Molecules and Photons
This introduction to Atomic and Molecular Physics explains how our present model of atoms and molecules has been developed over the last two centuries, both by many experimental discoveries and, from the theoretical side, by the introduction of quantum physics to the adequate description of micro-particles. It illustrates the wave model of particles by many examples and shows the limits of classical description. The interaction of electromagnetic radiation with atoms and molecules and its potential for spectroscopy is outlined in great detail and, in particular, lasers as modern spectroscopic tools are discussed thoroughly. Many examples and problems with solutions are offered to encourage readers to actively participate in applying and adapting the fundamental physics presented in this textbook to specific situations.
Why Society is a Complex Matter
Society is complicated. But this book argues that this does not place it beyond the reach of a science that can help to explain and perhaps even to predict social behaviour. As a system made up of many interacting agents people, groups, institutions and governments, as well as physical and technological structures such as roads and computer networks society can be regarded as a complex system. In recent years, scientists have made great progress in understanding how such complex systems operate, ranging from animal populations to earthquakes and weather. These systems show behaviours that cannot be predicted or intuited by focusing on the individual components, but which emerge spontaneously as a consequence of their interactions: they are said to be self-organized. Attempts to direct or manage such emergent properties generally reveal that top-down approaches, which try to dictate a particular outcome, are ineffectual, and that what is needed instead is a bottom-up approach that aims to guide self-organization towards desirable states. This book shows how some of these ideas from the science of complexity can be applied to the study and management of social phenomena, including traffic flow, economic markets, opinion formation and the growth and structure of cities. Building on these successes, the book argues that the complex-systems view of the social sciences has now matured sufficiently for it to be possible, desirable and perhaps essential to attempt a grander objective: to integrate these efforts into a unified scheme for studying, understanding and ultimately predicting what happens in the world we have made. Such a scheme would require the mobilization and collaboration of many different research communities, and would allow society and its interactions with the physical environment to be explored through realistic models and large-scale data collection and analysis. It should enable us to find new and effective solutions to major global problems such as conflict, disease, financial instability, environmental despoliation and poverty, while avoiding unintended policy consequences. It could give us the foresight to anticipate and ameliorate crises, and to begin tackling some of the most intractable problems of the twenty-first century.
Biomechanics of the Gravid Human Uterus
The complexity of human uterine function and regulation is one of the great wonders of nature and represents a daunting challenge to unravel. This book is dedicated to the biomechanical modeling of the gravid human uterus and gives an example of the application of the mechanics of solids and the theory of soft shells to explore medical problems of labor and delivery. After a brief overview of the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the uterus, the authors focus mainly on electromechanical wave processes, their origin, dynamics, and neuroendocrine and pharmacological modulations. In the last chapter applications, pitfalls and problems related to modeling and computer simulations of the pregnant uterus and pelvic floor structures are discussed. A collection of exercises is added at the end of each chapter to help readers with self-evaluation. The book serves as an invaluable source of information for researchers, instructors and advanced undergraduate and graduate students interested in systems biology, applied mathematics and biomedical engineering.
Printed Physics
The humanities, natural and technical sciences seemingly have little to say to each other despite all the trans-disciplinary efforts. The Applied Virtuality series will comprise four volumes that create and examine a discourse on the correlations between the larger contexts of ther present. Printed Physics, the first volume, begins with the discussion of developments in information technology that make the physical behavior of matter technologically programmable, allow for its factual construction, industrial production and its determination with symbols. Is it possible that a revitalization of the field of physics looms in the future similar to that which took place with geometry in the 19th century?
Yen and Jaffes Reproductive Endocrinology
Thoroughly revised and now enhanced with color artwork, the new edition of this premier reference continues to offer the latest information on the diagnosis and management of reproductive endocrine disorders. National and international leaders from the field of reproductive endocrinology-including 30 new authors-equip you with coverage that encompasses the full spectrum of reproductive pathophysiology and disorders, from pregnancy and birth to reproductive aging. Full-color illustrations and new drawings provide a real-life depiction of basic cell structures and endocrine responses for a better understanding of the material, while new chapters explore the issues shaping todays practice. As an Expert Consult title, it includes convenient online access to the complete text of the book-fully searchable-along with all of the images, and references linked to Medline at
Gene Therapy
Each volume of Advances in Pharmacology provides a rich collection of reviews on timely topics. Emphasis is placed on the molecular bases of drug action, both applied and experimental. Volume 40, GeneTherapy, features important new research on gene transfers and therapy in the herpes simplex virus, anti-tumor immunity, steroid receptors, cystic fibroses, and more.
Mathematics and Art
Recent progress in research, teaching and communication has arisen from the use of new tools in visualization. To be fruitful, visualization needs precision and beauty. This book is a source of mathematical illustrations by mathematicians as well as artists. It offers examples in many basic mathematical fields including polyhedra theory, group theory, solving polynomial equations, dynamical systems and differential topology. For a long time, arts, architecture, music and painting have been the source of new developments in mathematics. And vice versa, artists have often found new techniques, themes and inspiration within mathematics. Here, while mathematicians provide mathematical tools for the analysis of musical creations, the contributions from sculptors emphasize the role of mathematics in their work. This book emphasizes and renews the deep relation between Mathematics and Art. The Forum Discussion suggests to develop a deeper interpenetration between these two cultural fields, notably in the teaching of both Mathematics and Art.
Male Homosexual Behavior and the Effects of AIDS Education
Since the AIDS epidemic was recognized, information on safer sex has been assumed to be the most crucial means of preventing further spread of the disease. But how well has AIDS education worked? What kinds of education work best and for whom? This study is the first to provide an in-depth analysis of the results of AIDS education programs and to explore the psychosocial factors that affect behavioral responses to education.
Engineering in Translational Medicine
This book covers a broad area of engineering research in translational medicine. Leaders in academic institutions around the world contributed focused chapters on a broad array of topics such as: cell and tissue engineering (6 chapters), genetic and protein engineering (10 chapters), nanoengineering (10 chapters), biomedical instrumentation (4 chapters), and theranostics and other novel approaches (4 chapters). Each chapter is a stand-alone review that summarizes the state-of-the-art of the specific research area.
Mathematics for Multimedia
Mathematics and Multimedia focuses on the mathematics behind multimedia applications. This timely and thoroughly modern text is a rigorous survey of selected results from algebra and analysis, requiring only undergraduate math skills.The topics are `gems’ chosen for their usefulness in understanding and creating application software for multimedia signal processing and communication.The book is aimed at a wide audience, including computer science and mathematics majors and those interested in employing mathematics in multimedia design and implementation.
Drug Targeting
How are medicines transported intact through the body to their specific target sites without triggering side effects? The answer is ‘Drug Targeting’.
Sodium Calcium Exchange:
This book reports the text of the lectures of the 6th International Conference on Sodium Calcium Exchange held in Lacco Ameno in the Island of Ischia in the Gulf of Naples, Italy, from October 1 to October 5, 2011. The present book uncovers the most striking new findings on NCX that emerged since the previous Conference on Sodium Calcium Exchange, such as the structural dissection of the molecular determinants of Ca2+ sensitivity of the exchanger, the epigenetic regulation of ncx1 gene, the molecular identification of the mitochondrial Sodium Calcium Exchanger, and the discovery of NCX in unexpected anatomical locations such as the female reproductive tract.The book is organized into 11 parts covering NCX structural aspects, genetic and epigenetic regulation, regulatory mechanisms, subcellular localization in mitochondria, involvement in neurodegenerative diseases and in immune regulation, and the role of the cardiovascular and endocrine systems, as well as diabetes in physiology and pathophysiology. Selected chapters of the book are also devoted to the interaction of NCKX and other ion channels and transporters with NCX, like ASICs, TRPM, and NHE.
Fibromyalgia Syndrome
Designed for anyone involved in the management of musculoskeletal pain, this practical guide to fibromyalgia syndrome and its treatment provides a multidisciplinary perspective on this multifaceted and frequently encountered syndrome. The updated and expanded 2nd edition rapidly distills contemporary research on the subject and relates it specifically to the problems of assessment, diagnosis, and management.
Thứ Bảy, 18 tháng 4, 2015
Essentials of Traumatic Injuries to the Teeth
This is a readily accessible, fully illustrated guide to the initial treatment of acute dental injuries. The clinician is guided through the initial examination of the traumatized patient to the design of a rational, individualized treatment plan. This approach is aimed at minimizing the risk of long-term complications and, thereby, alleviating the uncertainty of the future of the the traumatized dentition both for the patient, dentist and for other concerned individuals. The material is drawn from clinical investigations, statistical analysis of 20,000 records of patients treated for acute dental injuries over 25 years, and results from 100 experimental studies.
Disorders of Fat and Cellulite
Alterations in the amount of subcutaneous fat lead to significant changes in appearance, whether from excess (as seen in bodily obesity) or in loss of fat (as seen in facial lipodystrophy associated with the aging process). Disorders of Fat and Cellulite: Advances in Diagnosis and Treatment incorporates the current knowledge of the physiology of fat with the numerous treatment modalities available today. This unique and illustrated source is an important review and reference source for any practitioner dealing with the cosmetic treatment of adipose tissue and cellulite. Fat disorders — particularly of cellulite and of lipodystrophy — are of great interest to all involved in cosmetic dermatology worldwide. Providing an overview of the current state of knowledge of the pathophysiology involved, this text explores the most up-to-date approaches to treatment, including medical, surgical, and cosmetic options.
Linear Algebra
Every student of mathematics needs a sound grounding in the techniques of linear algebra. It forms the basis of the study of linear equations, matrices, linear mappings, and differential equations, and comprises a central part of any course in mathematics. This textbook provides a rigorous introduction to the main concepts of linear algebra which will be suitable for all students coming to the subject for the first time. The book is in two parts: Part One develops the basic theory of vector spaces and linear maps, including dimension, determinants, and eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Part Two goes on to develop more advanced topics and in particular the study of canonical forms for matrices. Professor Berberian is at pains to explain all the ideas underlying the proofs of results as well as to give numerous examples and applications. There is an abundant supply of exercises to reinforce the reader’s grasp of the material and to elaborate on ideas from the text. As a result, this book presents a well-rounded and mathematically sound first course in linear algebra.
Death by the Glass
High-stakes wine fraud and murder disguised as a heart attack compel Sunny McCoskey to again toss aside her chef’s apron and don the role of sleuth. When the list of suspects includes her new lover, the celebrity chef at a posh Napa Valley eatery, the personal risks of her investigation rise dramatically. With the same eclectic crew of gourmet friends and sassy co-workers who helped her in Sharpshooter, Sunny proves that she has a nose for crime as well as for a good Cabernet Sauvignon.
Exercises in Classical Ring Theory
‘ This useful book, which grew out of the author’s lectures at Berkeley, presents some 400 exercises of varying degrees of difficulty in classical ring theory, together with complete solutions, background information, historical commentary, bibliographic details, and indications of possible improvements or generalizations. The book should be especially helpful to graduate students as a model of the problem-solving process and an illustration of the applications of different theorems in ring theory. The author also discusses ‘the folklore of the subject: the ‘tricks of the trade’ in ring theory, which are well known to the experts in the field but may not be familiar to others, and for which there is usually no good reference’. The problems are from the following areas: the Wedderburn-Artin theory of semisimple rings, the Jacobson radical, representation theory of groups and algebras, (semi)prime rings, (semi)primitive rings, division rings, ordered rings, (semi)local rings, the theory of idempotents, and (semi)perfect rings. Problems in the areas of module theory, category theory, and rings of quotients are not included, since they will appear in a later book. ‘
Sobolev Spaces
Sobolev Spaces presents an introduction to the theory of Sobolev Spaces and other related spaces of function, also to the imbedding characteristics of these spaces. This theory is widely used in pure and Applied Mathematics and in the Physical Sciences.
Space, Structure and Randomness
Space, structure, and randomness: these are the three key concepts underlying Georges Matherons scientific work. He first encountered them at the beginning of his career when working as a mining engineer, and then they resurfaced in fields ranging from meteorology to microscopy. What could these radically different types of applications possibly have in common? First, in each one only a single realisation of the phenomenon is available for study, but its features repeat themselves in space; second, the sampling pattern is rarely regular, and finally there are problems of change of scale. This volume is divided in three sections on random sets, geostatistics and mathematical morphology. They reflect his professional interests and his search for underlying unity. Some readers may be surprised to find theoretical chapters mixed with applied ones. We have done this deliberately. GM always considered that the distinction between the theory and practice was purely academic. When GM tackled practical problems, he used his skill as a physicist to extract the salient features and to select variables which could be measured meaningfully and whose values could be estimated from the available data. Then he used his outstanding ability as a mathematician to solve the problems neatly and efficiently. It was his capacity to combine a physicists intuition with a mathematicians analytical skills that allowed him to produce new and innovative solutions to difficult problems. The book should appeal to graduate students and researchers working in mathematics, probability, statistics, physics, spatial data analysis, and image analysis. In addition it will be of interest to those who enjoy discovering links between scientific disciplines that seem unrelated at first glance. In writing the book the contributors have tried to put GMs ideas into perspective. During his working life, GM was a genuinely creative scientist. He developed innovative concepts whose usefulness goes far beyond the confines of the discipline for which they were originally designed. This is why his work remains as pertinent today as it was when it was first written.
Bodies, Politics and African Healing
This subtle and powerful ethnography examines African healing and its relationship to medical science. Stacey A. Langwick investigates the practices of healers in Tanzania who confront the most intractable illnesses in the region, including AIDS and malaria. She reveals how healers generate new therapies and shape the bodies of their patients as they address devils and parasites, anti-witchcraft medicine, and child immunization. Transcending the dualisms between tradition and science, culture and nature, belief and knowledge, Langwick tells a new story about the materiality of healing and postcolonial politics. This important work bridges postcolonial theory, science, public health, and anthropology.
An Introduction to Health Policy
Based on the current climate of our nation s finances and healthcare spending, it is clear that young doctors and medical students are likely to see a dramatic transformation of the manner in which America offers medical care to its citizens over the course of their careers. As such, it is pivotal that the next generation of America s leaders on the front lines of medicine develop a sense of where healthcare has evolved from and future potential directions of change. An Introduction to Health Policy: A Primer for Physicians and Medical Students is the first of its kind: a book written by doctors for doctors in order to allow busy physicians and medical students to quickly develop an understanding of the key issues facing American healthcare. This book seeks to efficiently and effectively educate physicians and medical students in a clinical context that they can understand on the past, present, and potential future issues in healthcare policy and the evolution of American healthcare. The reader will walk away from the book with the ability to discuss the fundamental issues in American healthcare with ease.
Thứ Sáu, 17 tháng 4, 2015
The battles fought around Saratoga, New York, in the fall of 1777 were the turning point of the American Revolution. Victories by the Continental army encouraged France to enter the war on the side of the Americans, lending support critical to the ultimate.
Mrs. Lincolns Rival
The New York Times bestselling author of Mrs. Lincolns Dressmaker, Jennifer Chiaverini, reveals the famous First Ladys very public social and political contest with Kate Chase Sprague, memorialized as one of the most remarkable women ever known to Washington society. (Providence Journal)